
作者: 薛改霞 日期:2014.10.28 点击数:20

【作者】 薛改霞

【关键词】 张荫桓 张之洞 李鸿章 排华惨案 排华律 自禁条约

【外文关键词】 Zhang Yin huan Zhang Zhi dong Li Hong zhang the exclution of China massacre the exclution of China law self out forbidding treaty








【摘要】予华人赴美的自由,自此大量华人涌入美国。在19世纪70年代后期,华人在美人数达到10万多人。虽然自华工踏上美国领土之日起,迫害华工事件便时有发生,但作为国家政策,美国政府仍然欢迎和鼓励华工来美。 但自从1869年太平洋铁路建成以及70年代席卷美国的经济危机和一直存在的美国种族主义歧视,排华浪潮随之也在不断高涨。美国的排华逐渐从地方蔓延到全国,成为中美交涉的主要问题之一。此时,晚清政府的侨务政策已由漠不关心转向运用各种手段积极加以保护。自1876年起,清政府就曾不断对美国迫害华工提出抗议,并专门派出代表团深入华工重地,调查华工在美国的情况,并于1878年正式成立驻美大使馆和旧金山总领事馆来保护在美华工的权益。这一时期的排华事件还只是地方性的,但最后美国两大政党为了拉拢选票,开始逐步修改、制定法令来阻止华工来美。1880年《中美续修条约》的签订,给美国政府排华提供了法律依据。最终,在1882年,美国国会通过“排华法案”,从此结束了华工自由赴美的时代。此后,美国资产阶级不断策动排华暴行,在美华工和其他华侨的处境每况愈下。 在美国排华运动最剧烈的时期,晚清政府派张荫桓担任驻美公使,与美国就排华惨案和排华律进行交涉。张荫桓凭着个人的外交才能与美国政府竭力交涉,最终使美国同意赔偿华工惨案。而在与美国谈判“排华律”问题上,张荫桓制订了“自禁条约”,试图以禁止华工赴美的让步,换取在美华工和其他华人的安全以及其余华人赴美的权利。但最终因为在美华人、张之洞及李鸿章等官员的反对,特别是因为美国企图彻底根除在美的华人,因而使“自禁条约”的交涉最终破裂。美国政府单方面地通过了“斯科特法案”,并规定:凡华工无论曾在美,或现时,或将来,一离美境,均不准复来居住,一切已离美华工一律禁止来美国。虽然以张荫桓为代表的驻美使节及清政府设法努力挽回华侨权利,但因为当时的中国国力衰弱,又已沦为西方列强的半殖民地,因此带来外交上的软弱无能,最终在中美“排华律”的交涉中,成为失败的一方。

【外文摘要】19 century's ends, the late Qing dynasty government and USA on the row of China's negotiation are in latter Qing dynasty foreign relations page of important chapters.But late 19th century, as a result of USA for exploitation wester part, labour force deficient contradiction, the American capitalists then adopt the various means, recruits lots of Chinese laborers abroad to America from the southeast coast.The latter Qing dynasty government severe “ban on the maritime restrictions”; the policy is also compelled along with it change, relaxed the limit which goes abroad to the people makes a living.In 1868, China and America "Burlingame Treaty" signing, causes the Qing government to agree to give the Chinese people to go to America's freedom, from now on the massive Chinese people will well up into USA.In 19th century in the late 70's, the Chinese people achieve more than 100,000 in America.Although steps date of the America territory from the overseas Chinese laborer, persecutes the overseas Chinese laborer event then to sometimes occur, but be country policy,American Government still welcomes and encourages the overseas Chinese laborer to come America. But,since the Pacific Ocean railroad establishes and the economic crisis sum reaching the seventies carrying American with one in 1869, the USA racism discrimination , arranged the Chinese tide also unceasingly to surge upward.America row China spreads gradually from the place to the whole nation, becomes one of the primal problem that Sino-USA negotiates. This time, overseas Chinese policy of the latter Qing Dynasty government applies the various means to give protection actively already from indifferent vergence. From 1876, the Qing government on once unceasingly persecuted the overseas Chinese to USA to lodge the protest, and specially sent out the delegation to go to deep into Chinese laborers abroad out the important place ,investigated the overseas Chinese laborer in America condition, and had been being established the embassy and the San Francisco general consulate officially in America in 1878, protected overseas Chinese laborer's rights and interests.In this time, arranges the Chinese event also is only local, but finally American two important political parties in order to win over the ballot, starts to revise, the formulation law gradually prevents the overseas Chinese laborer to come to America.“Sino-USA adds concluding and signing repairing treaty in 1880” , the government row of China has provided the legal basis to USA. Finally, in 1882, the United States Congress passed “the Chinese Exclusion Act”, thus finished the overseas Chinese laborer to go to America freely. Henceforth, the USA bourgeoisie instigates row China atrocity unceasingly , Chinese laborers abroad draws in USA unfavourable situation of the overseas Chinese declines steadily other. In the American row of China movement fiercest time, the latter Qing dynasty government sent Zhang Yinhuan to hold the post of minister in America, carries on the negotiation with USA on the row of Chinese massacre and the row of Chinese law.Zhang Yinhuan was brought under patronage depending on individual diplomacy ability and the USA government do his utmost to negotiate with on ,finally causes USA to agree compensates the overseas Chinese laborer massacre.In negotiates with USA”the row of the Chinese law” in the question, Zhang Yinhuan has worked “self out forbidding treaty ”, concession trying to forbid Chinese laborers abroad to go to the United States, exchange for in America Chinese laborers safety and the others Chinese's Chinese goes to the United States other right. But because finally stayed in America official's and so on overseas Chinese, Zhang Zhidong and Li Hongzhang oppositions, because specially USA attempts to eradicate thoroughly in America Chinese people, thus causes“self out forbidding treaty” ,the negotiation finally to burst.American Government unilaterally passed “the Scott Act”, and stipulated: Regardless of every overseas Chinese laborer once in America, either present, either future, as soon as left the America boundary, does not permit to return to live, all already left the America overseas Chinese laborer all to forbid USA. Though tries take Zhang Yinhuan as representative's diplomatic agent and the Qing government in America to recall the overseas Chinese right, but because at that time China degenerated into the Western big powers semily-colonial, the national strength feeble, the diplomacy is also weak and incompetent, finally one side becoming failure in negotiating with on“the Exclution Chinese law”in Sino-USA. 【原文】 此处放置原文

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