
作者: 郑秀芝 日期:1997.01.01 点击数:10

【作者】 郑秀芝

【关键词】 李鸿章洋务思想








【摘要】有之奇业。 第二部分:李鸿章洋务思想在外交方面体现为“外须和戎”,具有极强的两重性。 第三部分:李鸿章内政策略“内须变法”励精图志,以图自强,但却难遂人愿。 第四部分:李鸿章洋务思想的总体评价,力求中肯。

【外文摘要】Li Hong Zhang was an important character in the Chinese Modern History. Especially during initiating foreign affairs movement, he established a great deal of military industry and civil industry and the first chinese modern naval fleet, therefore Li Hong 7hang was the Ceader of initiating, foreign affairs movement of China. It was this thesis beginning that Li Hong Zhang conceived the idea of initiating foreign affairs. This paper particularly sets forth the production and development and result of his theory of seting tip foreign affairs. There are four parts in this thesis. The First Part:Li Hong Zhang keenly feel chiese decline after he got in touch with foreigner. He producd thoughts of initiating foreign affairs and he was determined to set up unique undertakings. The Second Part: Inqratiating oneself with foreigners was the demonstation of Li Hong Zhang' s thoughts of initiating foreign affairs on the foreign policy. It was full of strong duality. The Third Part: Reforming irrational rules and regulations, rousing oneself for vigorous efforts to make the country prosperous, which was Li IIong Zhang's civil strategy., The fourth Part:This part generally sets forth and appraises Li Hong Zhng' s thonghts of initiating foreign affairs and seeks a statement that meets the exigency.

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