
作者: 刘世华 日期:1989.01.01 点击数:10

【作者】 刘世华

【关键词】 李鸿章外交思想述论








【摘要】们本着实事求是的精神对他作了新的评议,特别是在洋务运动方面已给以更多的肯定。但是,外交方面的研究还欠深入系统,提出的一些新观点仍然谨慎,给人一种迈一步看一看的感觉。因而本文旨在这方面作一些尝试性的探讨,以求有所突破。基于思想的稳定性和指导作用,本文选择了李鸿章的外交思想这一视角,以便从整依上把握他的外交政策和指导方针,更深入地认识他的具体外交活动。 笔者将首先分析形成其外交思想的历史背景,挖掘其思想的社会根基,在一定的历史范畴内研究李鸿章的外交思想和观念。而不至于超越时代地苛责他或吹捧他.概括起来说,李鸿章思想的核心是争取和局的思想.其它思想都受这一思想制约,或为实现这一思想而派生出来,争取和局已接受不平等条约为代价,目的在于创造一个安定的社会环境,使自强运动得以实现,以便在富强的基础上洗尽屈辱,恢复主权,因而李鸿章争取和局的思想是在务实的精神指导下产生的, 其结果是有利的,积极的.利用均势的策略思想支配着李鸿章的外交政策,它的合理性从强权即公理这一国际形势派生出来符合中国这样没有实力且不想进行战争的弱国.落后国.反映这一思想的突出表现是以夷制夷,联纵结盟的对外政策,旨在利用列强间的矛盾,避免遭受到侵略的命运,使自强运动能够顺利进行.适应新时代, 李鸿章有了新的外交观念和新的外交手段,即运用国际公法,使用条约的约束力量,学习新的外交礼仪等,这些都不同程度地促进了中国外交的近代化.然而李鸿章自身仍不能脱离旧的社会思想的影响,这就局限了他的认识范围和适应程度,同时诸多的外部客观因素集成一道道难以逾越的城墙阻碍着他迈向近代化的脚步,尽管他,的思想具有合理性和现实可行性也终究挽救不了清王朝走向衰亡的趋势。 总之,李鸿章长达三十年的外交生涯以失败结束了,但是,这不是他个人所能负担的过错,他具备一个外交家的素质, 且有胆有识,肯于任事,勇于负责,却无法改变必然的社会趋向,无法把清帝国从颓势中转变过来.时代造就了他 ,但他却无法造就时代.这是一个悲剧.本文的宗旨就是要揭示这个悲剧的由来,肯定李鸿章外交思想的合理性和进步性, ,得出李鸿章不愧为一个半殖民地社会的外交家这一结论.

【外文摘要】The thesis analyses the historical background of the forming of Li Hong-zhang's diplomatic thinking and tries to seek social foundations within the historical limitations rather than criticizing or praising him improperly beyond time. Briefly speaking, the core of Li' s diplomatic thinking is to strive for reconciliation with other ideas either being restrained by it or derived from it. The purpose of striving for reconcilice reconcilicetion at the price of accepting unjust treaties is to create a steady social conditions and to fulfill the self-improving movement. Therefore, Li' s idea of striving for reconciliation is based upon the practical and realistic spirit and ended with final success. Its manner is ineffective yet its results positive. The controlling diplomatic thinking is to make use of the balance tactics whose rationality is derived from the international circumstances of power being the law. China, a poor and backward country is fit for the law. The diplomatic tactic eflect this idea,and its purpose is to mnke use the conflicts among those imperialists to avoid the aggressive fate and let the self-improvement go for ward.Answering to the age's requirement ,Li has had new diplomatic means and attitudes, that id to made use of inter national laws and lisciplines and treaty' s restrictive forces and to learn from new diplomatic formalities.All of these have promoted the program of Chinesesdiploma. However Li can not break away froth the old society the influence of old ideology and these restrained the domain of hid insight. mean while numbers of obstacles hamper his advancing steps given though his ideas have the power of nationaity practicality , they could not prevent the Qin dynasty from fast declining.

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