
作者: 葛丽君 日期:1993.01.01 点击数:20

【作者】 葛丽君

【关键词】 李鸿章海防思想研究








【摘要】部分: 一、分析李鸿章海防思想产生的历史背景,指出其海防思想是对西方坚船利炮挑战的反应。 二、阐述李鸿章海防思想的具体内容,指出其核心是一种守势战略,指导思想为“守疆土,保和局”。 三、对李鸿章海防思想的评价,指出其海防思想推动了中国海防建设的近代化,但也存在许多局限性。 四、分析李鸿章海防思想破产的原因,指出半殖民地半封建社会腐朽落后的政治、经济制度是造成李鸿章海防思想破产的根本原因。

【外文摘要】The construction of coastal defence became an extremely important and serious problem when modern China was oppressed by powerful modern weapons of the West. During the years of TongZhi and GuangXu,the officials of the Ching dynesty put forward many suggestions and ideas for the construction of coastal defence. Li Hong-zhang's thinking of coastal defence was especially spectacular,and he was the chief practicer of the construction of coastal defence in China dynasty.In modern Chinese history research, it is an important content to make a study of Li Hong-zhang's thinking of coastal defence and draw salucary experience and lesson. There are four parts of this paper. THE FIRST PART: I analyse the historical background of Li Hon--zhang's thinking of coastal defence,and point out that his thinking was a response for the challenge of the powerful modern weapons of the West. THE SECOND PART:I expound the concrete content of Li Hong-zhang's thinking of the coastal defence,and point out that the nucleus of his thinking was a defensive strategy,his guiding ideology was guarding territory and maintaining peace, THE THIRD PART:I evaluate Li Hong-zhang's thinking of coastal defence,and point out that his thinking pushed forward the moderni- zation of the construction of coastal defence,but there are many limitations in his thin- king. THE FORTH PART:I approach why Li Hong-zhang's thinking of coastal defence fell through,and point out that it is the decadent political and economic systems of the semicolonial,semi-feudal society that lead to his failure.

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