
作者: 萧传林 日期:1990.01.01 点击数:30

【作者】 萧传林

【关键词】 李鸿章政治思想研究








【摘要】思想,指出李鸿章以宗法手段来 恢复和维护当时的统治,并为办洋务服务。同时还特别论述了李 鸿章的宗法思想的重要内容一一“家国一理论”。他希望士人齐 家治国。 第四部分论述李鸿章的治国思想。从上而论,他希望皇帝行 善政、德政,以善治天下;从下而论,他希望人臣尽孝,而后尽 忠,以孝治天下。 第五部分论述李鸿章的大变局观、指出他根据千古未有之变 局而提出“内须变法”的思想,而且他言变的内容由浅入深,进 入政治局面。 结语部分指出他的思想有一个发展过程,以及他的思想约矛 盾复杂性,并指出他的影响。

【外文摘要】Li Hongzhang is an infiuential figure in modern Chinese nistory; unfortunately,is poiitical thougnts have been neglected for a long time.This paper will deal his political thougnts witn five parts, In part one I will talk about his political philesophy---his view of the Dao and Qi, and will present that this view servea for his westernization and reforms. In the secondary part, I will disuss his pragmatism,and will show that he rejected the empty talk and tried to pay attention to mater- ialism and direct enterprises and westernisation by this thought. In the third part,I will talk about his patriarchal thought, presenting that wanted to restore and control the contemporary ru- le and mare this thougnt serve for westernisation, and e-pecialy dis- cuss the main cone-ruts or his patr-archal thought----"the Theory of Family-state". The fouth part will deal with his thought of how to manage the state. From the upper classes,he hoped that the emperor should act well. for his rule by favour,good morals and merci-3s; froi:'the corr:rno- ns, he hoped that peoples should be finial and concern abou their Pa- rents,then should show their loayty to the majesty. In the last part,I will discuss his view of changing in great scale,pointing out his thought of "interval reform" and its gradual influence on political field. one conclunion will deal with the developing process of his th- oughts,the contradictory and complex of his thoughts,and his indi- vidual influence on later Chinese society. By Xiao Chuanlin 1990.6. 1.

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