
作者: 高波 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:80

【外文题名】On Image Research of Li Hongzhang

【作者】 高波

【关键词】 李鸿章 李鸿章形象 历史人物评价

【外文关键词】 Li Hong zhang Image of Li Hong zhang critic of historical figure









【外文摘要】This essay refresh people’s judgment on Li Hong-zhang over a century, reappearing the real image and its variation process of Li Hong-zhang in different stages, analyzing the elements that affected image variation of Li Hong-zhang.The politician group in Qing Dynasty has various evaluations on Li Hongzhang. From the sight of view of Imperial court, Li Hong-zhang is a loyal courtier, however the School of Qingliu recognize him as a treacherous courtier. They appraise the Li Hong-zhang’s achievements in internal and diplomatic affairs after Gengzi Incident. The Westernization group identifies the image of loyal courtier of Li Hong-zhang, related to different with Imperial court and School of Qingliu, the Westernization group mainly highlight the merits of westernization. Although the reform group had some complaint, meanwhile affirm Li Hong-zhang a positive hero. Revolutionary group negated Li Hong-zhang entirely, considering him as "a traitor". The Republican China adherents’scholars hold the judgment of tradition history on Li Hongzhang, taking him as a "loyal courtier". Modernization Group insisted on the view that Westernization Movement headed by Li Hong-zhang promoted the development of modern era of China. It is the first signs of modern era of China. In the opposite, Marxism Scholar consider Li Hong-zhang as a "extremely evil reactionaries", "King of Counterrevolutionary", "fluncky of Manchuria", "eternal surrender". Marxism Scholar dominated the history forum after 1949, considering Li Hongzhang as a "treacherous courtier". Not until 1980s, the image of LI Hong-zhang was rebuilt as a first person who guides China to Modernization.The image of Li Hong-zhang has a tremendous change from Qing Dynasty, Republic China to New China. The writer believes that three key elements influence the image of Li Hong-zhang and have detailed analysis one by one: Political element, valuation variation and history theory with methodology variation. At the end of essay, we discuss about the problem of rebuilding image of Li Hong-zhang. By reconsidering those problems, we have a new cognition on historical figures and prospect towards future judgment to those historic figures.

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