
作者: 廖佩君 日期:2014.10.28 点击数:10

【外文题名】Xue Fu-cheng’s Political Ideas—the Probe into the Initial Stage of Representative Politics

【作者】 廖佩君

【关键词】 薛福成 代议政治 曾国藩 李鸿章 幕府 西学中源 民本思想 乡举里选 外交使节

【外文关键词】 Xue Fu Cheng Representative Politics Zeng Guo fan Li Hong zhang Mu liao The Theory of Western Learning Being of Chinese Origin People oriented Thought local recommendation and examination Diplomat









【外文摘要】Xue Fu-cheng’s ideal of Representative Politics arises from his life experience. Born into a scholarly family and having laid the groundwork for a good command of Confucianism, Xue tends to refer to what he has learned when observing and perceiving the cultural systems of the western countries afterwards, thereby coming up with the viewpoint of trying to fuse the Chinese and Western ideas together. In the period of the Mu-liao(幕僚) of Zeng Guo-fan and Li Hong-zhang, Xue is deeply influenced by these two governor-generals , which broadens his knowledge and enriches his experience. In the meanwhile, the toil of processing all sorts of business enhances his capability to handle works and develops his skill at being a government official, which makes Xue competent for whether local government positions or envoys abroad later in his life. The experience of assisting these two governors stimulates Xue to have more broad-minded and advanced ideas of reformation. Consequently, when he is serving as an envoy to four foreign countries, he expresses his observation and perception on western countries in his articles, managing to find a road which is reasonable and applicable for China to be prosperous and wealthy. Xue argues that the factor contributing to a country’s prosperity and wealth comes from the establishment of a council organization which conveys people’s opinions. Therefore, he manifests the feasibility of Representative Politics by combining the Chinese Traditional ideas—The Theory of Western Learning Being of Chinese Origin and People-oriented Thought, and the Western academic cultural discourse. He emphasizes that the function of Representative Politics can facilitate the communication between the upper and lower classes, assisting a ruler in governing a country in China. From his view on the setting of Parliament, he tries to make use of the traditional Chinese political election through local recommendation and examination to elect the representatives answering to the public opinion. Furthermore, he argues that the ruler has to pursue economic development and promote educational policy, making people achieve the goal of Representative Politics under the circumstances where people, with an elevated quality, don’t have to worry about the economy .

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