
作者: 白金艳 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】Research on Education of Western Medicine in Zhili at the Late Qing

【作者】 白金艳

【关键词】 直隶西医教育 李鸿章 袁世凯 医学堂

【外文关键词】 Western Medicine Education in Zhili Province Li Hongzhang Yuan Shikai Medicine Schools








【摘要】鸿章和袁世凯担任直隶总督时期得到迅速发展,他俩率先先创办了了北洋医学堂、北洋军医学堂、保定医学堂、北洋女医学堂等一系列各种类型的医学校,同时派遣大批留学生赴日本、美国等地学习西医。此外,还在一些综合大学开设医学课程,普及医学知识。清末直隶西医教育具备师资优秀、生源广泛、学科齐全、机构健全、经费充足等特点。 清末直隶西医学堂培养了众多的卫生行政、医学教育、公共卫生等方面的各级各类人才,同时支援了东北的医疗需要,带动了周边地区教育的发展,改善了公共卫生环境。整体把握直隶的西医教育状况,有利于更好的了解全国西医教育的由来和发展。

【外文摘要】With the arrival of missionaries, Western-style hospitals in China's treaty ports were established. A new health care system established in the late Qing , the concept of Western medicine also will appear .With the spread of western doctors and western medicine in China, more and more people are aware of their benefits, all levels of their understanding are deepen. At the same time the army and the prevention of diseases based on practical needs, there are some government-run schools and Western Med...

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