
作者: 刘晓敏 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】Li Hongzhang's Persuasion and the Signing of Korea-America Treary in 1882

【作者】 刘晓敏

【关键词】 李鸿章 朝鲜开国通商 “以夷制夷” 《朝美条约》

【外文关键词】 Li Hongzhang Korea s openning to outside world and constructing the relationship of trading the policies that make some barbarians to contain other barbarians Korea America Treaty








【摘要】 第一部分为绪论部分,主要论述了本课题的研究目的和意义、研究现状、研究方法。 第二部分从由于列强侵略而引发的日益升温的朝鲜问题,以及朝鲜国内严重的封建统治危机两个角度出发,系统论述了朝鲜开国之际的国内外形势,进而,深入分析李鸿章促使朝鲜实施开国政策,接受对外修交建议的客观历史环境。 第三部分论述清政府“以夷制夷”对朝政策的确立。晚清历史是一部充满动荡和不安的历史。两次鸦片战争,实际上打碎了清王朝在东亚地区“天朝上国”惟一独尊的旧格局。面对中日等东亚国家相继被纳入以近代条约体系为标志的近代国际秩序的严峻现实,李鸿章等切感中朝传统的宗藩体制正面临着前所未有的冲击和挑战。为此,清政府不得不转变旧制,将对朝鲜内政外交的“向得自主”转变为在朝鲜实施“以夷制夷”的政策。清政府“以...

【外文摘要】The title of this dissertation is Li Hongzhang persuade Korea government and predominate the signing of Korea-Amrica treaty, and systematically discourse that facing the increasingly severe Northeast Asia situation as being invaded by Western imperialist powers and the shock to the relation of Suzerain-vassal state that had being constructed between Chinese and Korean in what Occident powers foeced East Asian countries to accept neoteric treaty system, Li Hongzhang carried out the policies that make...

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