
作者: 方雪飞 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】On the Relationship between Li Hongzhang and His Shogunate

【作者】 方雪飞

【关键词】 李鸿章 周馥 关系

【外文关键词】 Li hongzhang Zhou Fu Relationship









【外文摘要】Li Hongzhang was a very complicated historical figure in modern China, who played different roles in different historical periods. There was distinctive personal imprint in the course of his presiding over its internal affairs, military affairs and diplomacy. Li Hongzhang and his shogunate played an important role in promoting Chinese modernization process. The study on the relationship between Li Hongzhang and his shogunate is few now. In fact, the relationship between Li Hongzhang and his shogunate is wor...

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