
作者: 徐志琴 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】The Lost of LI HUNG-CHANG Allying America to Resist Japan: An Explain of the Balance of Power

【作者】 徐志琴

【关键词】 李鸿章 联美制日 均势理论

【外文关键词】 LI HUNG CHANG Allying America to Resist Japan the Balance of Power









【外文摘要】  LI HUNG-CHANG advanced the policy of allying America to resist Japan , when the QING DANASTY was in a difficult position both from inside and outside in the latter half of the 19th century . Allying America to resist Japan was making use of the conflicts between America and Japan to make the nations pinning down one another and repel invasion and occupation to China from Japan. The policy was used to settle the crisis on Ryukyu and Korea. The practice improved that it didn’t reach the anticipative aim,because it didn’t maintain the stabilization and the predominance of China in the East Asian. In the point of the balance of power, the lost of LI HUNG-CHANG allying America to resist Japan was inevitable. The international politics is the politics of power,and yet the balance of power is a big stick .Changing alliance is a basic feature of the balance of power. In the international politics, only the interest is eternal but friends or enemies. The lost of LI HUNG-CHANG allying America is a disproof to the balance of power undoubtedly.

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