
作者: 李志茗 日期:2001.01.01 点击数:20

【作者】 李志茗

【关键词】 晚清 幕府 幕僚 陶澍 曾国藩 李鸿章 袁世凯









【外文摘要】Late Qing Mu fu appeared when Qing Dynasty was declining. From the period of Emperor Jia qing and Dao guang to the end of the dynasty, it not only produced a great impact to the changing of modern Chinese society, but also was an important turning point in the development of Mu fu System of China. Although it was so important, it wasn t studied hardly for a long -term. In this paper, I use modernization theory and another knowledge such as history, politics, talent science, secretary science and military sc...

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