
作者: 吉正芬 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:40

【外文题名】A Study on the Diplomacy System of Late Qing Dynasty (1861-1901)

【作者】 吉正芬


【关键词】 晚清外交体制 总理衙门 北洋大臣 李鸿章

【外文关键词】 Diplomacy System oflate Qing Tsungli Yamen Beiyang Minister Li Hongzhang









【摘要】清外交体制经历了从总理衙门到外务部的演变,这一演变同时也反映了晚清外交观念从夷务—洋务—外务的一个转变过程。 本文主要探讨的重点主要分为三个部分。其一,考察总理衙门设置的缘起,简述清代早期的对外关系,及北京条约签订后,清廷设立总理衙门的原因,并进一步探讨总理衙门外交权责的分配及其运作方式。其二,论述北洋通商大臣权责的演变,并进一步探讨其外交职掌范围及其与总理衙门的关系。其三,论述晚清外交权利结构的二元性特征—总理衙门与北洋大臣在外交上的合作与竞争。因奕訢文祥与李鸿章的合作关系,使得二者的合作达到高峰,其后,文祥去世,奕訢遭受打击,被逐出总理衙门,总署权力下降,沦为—备咨询的顾问机构,北洋大臣李鸿章独掌对外交涉。在李鸿章下台后,清廷外交又短暂地回复到督抚外交的局面,直至外务部的成立,才结束了晚清外交权力机构混乱、政出多门的局面。从总理衙门到外务部,晚清外交体制的演变长达40年,其间形成的外交权力重心双元化对晚清对外交涉的影响,致使总理衙门和北洋大臣处理外交事务都没有独立的主导权,相互受到牵制。晚清外交失利,固然与清朝的国势有关,但这种外交机构权责分配的混乱,外交体制的落后,导致的对外交涉时政策的反复与被动,则不是一句“弱国外交”可以修饰的。

【外文摘要】The primary intention of this article is about the diplomatic authority structure from 1861 to 1901. In the structure, The power of diplomacy revoveled Between the Tsungli Yamen in Beijing and the Bei Yang minister in Tianjin, which form the duality of late Qing's diplomatic power stucture . The further influenced each kind of significant diplomatic events, according to the article, we can understand well the diplomacy system's development by providing another kind of way. Thelate Qing dynasty diplomacy system has experienced the evolution from the Tsungli Yamen to the ministry of foreign affairs. At the same time this evolution has also reflected thelate Qing dynasty diplomacy idea's transformation from foreigners to foreign affairs and to diplomacy. The article mainly focus on three parts. First, it inspects the establishment of the Tsungli Yamen and summarizes the foreign relations in the early time of the Qing dynasty, after the "Beijing Treaty" signed, the Qing government set up the Tsungli Yamen . it also further discusses the Tsungli Yamen's diplomacy power and responsibility . Secondly, it elaborates the Beiyang minister who shared the diplomacy power and responsibility with Tsungli Yamen, and discusses its diplomatic duties scope and relation withTsungli Yamen. Third, It elaborates thelate dual characteristic of Qing dynasty's diplomacy structure and the cooperation and

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