
作者: 张凌宇 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】No Li Hongzhang s Diplomatic Stradegies in Lat Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张凌宇


【关键词】 晚清李鸿章外交策略述论










【摘要】 一、晚清外交的国际、国内环境 大清帝国从乾隆后期开始,国势日趋衰落。而与此同时,西方资本主义正在日益崛起。 与西方发达国家上升的势头相反,两次鸦片战争使中华民族包括统治阶级都蒙受了奇耻大辱,中国的社会矛盾更加复杂化,综合国力日渐衰微。 李鸿章独揽当时中国军、政、外交大权达30年之久,参与并主持了几乎所有的清朝重大外事交涉,对近代中国产生了重大影响。在长期的外交实践中,李鸿章形成了自己的一套外交思想及策略,归纳起来主要有“外须和戎”、“实力外交”以及“以夷制夷”等几个方面。 二、“外须和戎”的策略 “和戎”实际上就是维持和局。李鸿章的“和戎”观的形成与以下几个方面的考虑有关:第一,中国当时的国力状况及其与西方列强对比的过分悬殊。第二,致力于为中国发展创造一个和平的外部环境。第三,当时远东国际局势的变化和清政府“借师助剿”政策是促成李鸿章“外须和戎”策略的外部因素。第四,“和戎”外交策略是在中国传统的儒家思想的影响下形成的,从提出、制订到实施都贯彻和体现着儒家的思想。 “和戎”列强,实现和平,在相对稳定的国际环境中通过变法以求自强自立,这本无可厚非。然而,问题在于通过什么样的途径来实现这一目

【外文摘要】In recent years, attention has been paid to the research on Li Hongzhang’s diplomatic thinking and strategy. In the historical documents, there are both completely negative and positive ideas about his diplomatic thinking and strategy. Li Hongzhang is even regarded as one of the great diplomats in Chinese history. Research on history should serve reality, but the evaluation on Li Hongzhang’s thinking should be reasonable. It should not be completely negative or completely positive. How his diplomatic thinking is formed should also be summarized. Foreign and Domestic Environment of Late Qing Dynasty’s Diplomacy The national power was on the decline since late Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. But meanwhile, the western capitalism was on the rise. Contrary to the rising tendency of the western developed countries, two Opium Wars made Chinese people including the ruling class suffer galling shame and humiliation. China’s social contradictories became more complicated and its multiple national power was on the decline. Li Hongzhang arrogated all powers of China’s army, politics and diplomacy to himself for thirty years. He joined and directed almost all the important foreign affairs of Qing Dynasty. He had a significant influence on modern China. In the long-term diplomatic practice, Li Hongzhang formed a set of his own diplomatic thinking and strategy, which can be summarized as follows: to be on good terms with foreign countries; to be sincere and honest; to be independent and powerful; to take advantage of other countries’ contradictories to protect China. These ideas are spiritual legacy that makes people not only deplore but also meditate. Diplomatic Thinking of “Being on Good Terms with Foreign Countries”

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