
作者: 王延开 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】Li Hung-chang Strengthens His Power of the Finance in the Westernization New Deal

【作者】 王延开


【关键词】 晚清 李鸿章 洋务新政

【外文关键词】 Late Qing Li Hung chang The Westernization New Deal









【摘要】财权为什么会扩大?怎样扩大?产生了什么影响? 本文拟从三个方面来分析和研究这一问题: 第一方面是本文的引述部分,主要分析洋务新政时期晚清中央财政的基本状况:即中央财政的困窘,以及地方督抚是如何以此为契机来扩大自己对财权的控制,为研究的展开探讨提供背景材料。 第二方面是本文研究和分析的主体和重点部分,从李鸿章军事筹款开始,逐步分析李鸿章所办或控制下的军事工业、民用企业、新式学堂、公用事业等洋务新政活动,以军事工业和民用企业为主,以新式学堂和公用事业为辅,重点通过对李鸿章的重大洋务活动,来探讨、分析他在洋务新政中财政实力不断加强的表现,以及其中的原因与影响。 第三方面,为最后总结部分。在完成对李鸿章个案分析的基础上,总体的分析在洋务新政过程中清朝督抚财权扩大趋势,进而分析这种变化所产生的重要影响,并推论应该如何看这一时期内清朝中央、地方财权的重大变化。

【外文摘要】In the late Qing to the financial relationship between the central and local governments, that is to say , whether the power of the financial belong to the central or not, many scholars have been concerned about, and this is a focus of recent research. The background to studying in the Westernization New Deal, represented by Li Hongzhang, studied in the process of Westernization New Deal, Li Hongzhang's financial power , in another word , how could he make the finalcial for his own, and the performance of its causes, and analysis of the later Qing Dynasty superintend and support to the expansion of powers Why? How to expand? What is relevant?This text analyzes and studies this problem from three parts:First, the front of the text, the main group in the later Qing Dynasty Style central financial analysis of the basic conditions for the continuation of research to prepare. Namely the poverty of the centre, and the local government gain the financial power for it.Secondly, the main of the text, form Li Hongzhang the beginning of military fund-raising, step to step study his military industry, civil corporation, new school, public utilities, etc. analysis Li Hongzhang to explore the financial strength of the growing, and the causes and effects.Thirdly, the last of the text, as part of the final summing up. Major political analysis in the process of studying the Qing Dynasty superintend and support the expansion of financial trends, and the significant impact on the community should look at how the central government, local authority major changes.

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