
作者: 孙凯 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:40

【作者】 孙凯

【关键词】 李鸿章 外交思想 外须和戎 内须变法 以夷制夷

【外文关键词】 Li Hongzhang diplomatic thoughts make peace outside and make reform inside learn from foreigners advanced technologies









【外文摘要】As a high-ranking official of Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang took charge of diplomacy affairs for more than 30 years, thus he became the soul in this circle. The diplomatic thoughts and policies of him had a dominant influence on the Qing Dynasty s diplomacy. The diplomatic activities of him consisted of the principal part of diplomatic practices of Qing Dynasty. Just because of this, about one century after his passing away, people today are intensely interested in researching him, and there are divergences on...

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