
作者: 黄俊华 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:10

【外文题名】Li Hongzhang and the Disintegration of the Patriarchal-Vassal System in the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 黄俊华


【关键词】 李鸿章 晚清 宗藩体制

【外文关键词】 Li Hongzhangthe late Qing dynastythe Patriarchal Vassal System









【摘要】策为例,说明他在宗藩体制瓦解中的作用。 文章正文分四大部分: 第一部分,李鸿章与琉球宗主权的丧失。李鸿章在处理琉球问题时,摈弃了中国传统对待邦国“务虚名,勤远略”的做法,代之以国际法同日本交涉,主张琉球自主。这种做法实际上助长了日本的野心和态度的强硬。在日本的进逼之下,中国丧失了对琉球的宗主权。 第二部分,李鸿章与越南宗主权的丧失。李鸿章在处理越南问题时,起先变相地承认法越新约,使宗主权名存实亡;后又坚持对越之宗主权;最后则曲意放弃对越宗主权。他对传统宗藩政治的扬弃及法国的不断进攻,使中国失去了对越南的宗主权。 第三部分,李鸿章与朝鲜宗主权的丧失。为保障东北安全,李鸿章劝导朝鲜开埠通商,帮助朝鲜自主,参与朝鲜外交,筹划联英、联俄,抵制俄、日。他的行为表面上虽加强了中国对朝鲜的控制,但结果却使朝鲜叛华心理日益增强。加之日本的挑衅,经甲午一战,中国丧失了对朝鲜的宗主权。 第四部分,评判李鸿章在宗藩体制瓦解中的作用。西方资本主义国家的侵略、宗藩体制内部的不平等、中国国力的衰落,使宗藩体制必然走向瓦解。李鸿章在处理宗藩事务中,将主权观念和“外敦和好,内须自强”的思想应用其中,自觉不自觉地加速了这一历史进程。

【外文摘要】 The Patriarchal-Vassal System is a political system which existed between China and its vassals and was characterized by tributary. The system disintegrated inevitably because of the expansion of Western countries. During the process of disintegration, Li Hongzhang accelerated it. Based on the inspection of Li Hongzhang's practice to Ryukyu, Vietnam and Korea, the author inquires into the role Li Hongzhang played in the disintegration of the Patriarchal-Vassal System. The whole study is divided into four parts: The first part introduces the approach of Li Hongzhang to the Ryukyu issue. The author tries hard to explain that Li Hongzhang held that China should negotiate with Japan about Ryukyu issue by applying international law and make Ryukyu independent, because of the Li Hongzhang's practice and the Japanese expansion, China lost the suzerainty to Ryukyu. The second part explains how Li Hongzhang dealt with Vietnam issue. The author considers that Li Hongzhang admitted inwardly the new treaty of France-Vietnam at first, which made the suzerainty to Vietnam nominal; then he insisted on the suzerainty to Vietnam; at last Li Hongzhang abandoned inwardly the suzerain rights to Vietnam. Because of Li Hongzhang's sifting the traditional Patriarchal-Vassal politics and the France aggression, Vietnam broke away from China. The third part inquires into the issue how Li Hongzhang dealt with Korea. For the interest of the North-east area of China, Li Hongzhang took many measures to strengthen the control of Korea. In appearance the object was achieved, the inclination of Korea's breaking away from China was stronger and stronger. And due to the Japanese provocation, China missed the suzerainty to Korea after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. The fourth part judges Li Hongzhang's effect during the course of disintegration of the Patriarchal-Vassal System. Due to the expansion of Western countries, the unequal station between the Patriarchal and the Vassal states and the decline of China, the Patriarchal-Vassal system disintegrated inevitably. During the course of disintegration, Li Hongzhang accelerated it.

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