
作者: 戴仕军 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:0


【作者】 戴仕军


【关键词】 李鸿章 治河 赈灾 练军 整顿芦盐

【外文关键词】 Li hongzhangtaming riversaiding victimsrenovating Changlu salt affairs









【摘要】 第二章 河务治理 由于直隶河务废弛已久,李鸿章督直后,为直隶设计了一个治理全省河务的蓝图,并兴起一个治理河务的高潮,一定程度上减轻了直隶水旱灾患。但由于资金、吏治以及治河方法上的原因,李鸿章并不能根本上改变直隶水患频繁的局面。 第三章 赈灾 直隶灾害频仍,破坏性强,李鸿章利用各种赈灾措施赈灾,直隶地区社会整体比较稳定,而赈灾款粮的筹集,体现了李鸿章等督抚对地方财政控制权力的增大。 第四章 练军建设 李鸿章在继承曾国藩练军方法的同时,根据海防边防的需要,变通具体练章,逐添直隶练军,并加强近代练军的近代化建设。但李鸿章并不完全依赖练军,练军的职责也不完全体现在军事行动上。 第五章 芦盐整治 李鸿章例掌长芦盐政,...

【外文摘要】This thesis describes how Li hongzhang administered the affairs of Zhili province when he was the governor of this area. On the basis of these discussions, it attempts to remedy the defects in the studies of Li and analyse his behavior and influence in Zhili. It has six chapter:Chapter one briefly introduces the historical background of Li hongzhang taking up the post of Zhili governor as well as the effects which he would have on Zhili affairs as his power was strengthened.Chapter two was mainly deal...

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