
作者: 杨巍 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】Li Hung-chang and Agreement between the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the Governments of Great Britain and China

【作者】 杨巍


【关键词】 李鸿章 烟台条约 马嘉理事件 威妥玛 中英关系

【外文关键词】 LiHung changChefoo ConventionMargary caseTomas.wade









【摘要】增开口岸等方面的要求,以达到英国对中国进行经济侵略的目的。清政府虽然做出让步,但却不肯答应英方提出的全部过分条件,以到中英交涉陷入僵局。面临着战争威胁的清政府,在严峻的形势面前,仍然希望与英国和平解决马嘉理案,并授权直隶总督、北洋通商大臣李鸿章为全权便宜行事大臣主持正式的中英谈判。 李鸿章运用正确的外交策略,准确地分析了中英形势,制定了完备的谈判计划。从谈判地点、时间到谈判内容着着主动,使一向高傲的英国公使威妥玛陷于被动,匆匆结束谈判。中国以最小的代价同英国签订了了结马嘉理案的《烟台条约》,为国家争取到了一个和平稳定的发展局面。 《烟台条约》的签订,使西方认识了李鸿章的非凡的外交能力。

【外文摘要】Mr.Margary, as your Imperial Highness is awere, was sent by Mr.Thomas wade to meet the large expedition under Colonel Browne for purpose of exploration.He was provided with a passpord b TsungliYamen. After five months' trip, Mr.Margary reached Bhamo on January 17,1875. When he came back to China, he was killed at Man-yun, between China and Bhame. That was Margary case.From the March, 1875 to the August, 1876, The negotiation that was base on the Margary case had been discussed between the British and China. At the time that Mr.Margary waw killed, there were many outstanding matters of disagreement between the British and Chinese,so Mr.Thomas.wade now seiaed the opportunity to try to settle several issues , including LiKin,Offical intercourse and New port opening to trade while negotiating with the Chinese over Mr.Margary death.The Chefoo Convention, in which the Margary case was. finally disposed of, was a notable triumph for LiHung-chang's diplomacy as High Commissioner,and nothing more.

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