
作者: 孙志鹏 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】The Rise and Decline of the Transcendentalism in the Political History of Meiji Period

【作者】 孙志鹏

【关键词】 超然主义 伊藤博文 山县有朋

【外文关键词】 Transcendentalism Ito Hirobumi Yamagata Aritomo









【外文摘要】In this paper, to Ito Hirobumi and Yamagata Aritomo as the center of entire process from the rise and failure of the“transcendentalism”in mid-Meiji period. That, Kuroda Kiyotaka released the“transcendentalism”speech in 1889, and Ito Hirobumi established the Rikken Seiyukai in 1900. The behavior of itself which Ito Hirobumi formulated the Meiji Constitution shows that he is not a“proponent of transcendentalism”. Kuroda Kiyotaka and Yamagata Aritomo did not plan to cooperate with the people’s pa...

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