
作者: 庄咏扬 日期:2014.10.28 点击数:2410

【外文题名】The Evolution of Japan's Mainland Policy(1918~1932): The Analysis from the Viewpoint of Social Constructionism

【作者】 庄咏扬

【关键词】 日本 大陆政策 社会建构主义

【外文关键词】 Japan Mainland Policy Social Constructionism








【摘要】918∼1932年間「日本的大陸政策之演變」。在研究分析架構中具體的目標為: 1.整理出1918∼1932年間的國際的觀念、事件,與日本的觀念、大陸政策。 2.以社會建構主義的觀點分析國際關係與日本決策的互動。 本論文之研究架構分為四章,各章內容概要如下: 第一章:整理一次大戰後巴黎和會前後時期,國際關係中的觀念變化與國際事件的影響,與日本自身觀念的變遷還有大陸政策的決策。 第二章:整理華盛頓會議前後時期,國際關係中的觀念變化與國際事件的影響,與日本自身觀念的變遷還有大陸政策的決策。 第三章:整理經濟大恐慌與九一八事變前後時期,國際關係中的觀念變化與國際事件的影響,與日本自身觀念的變遷還有大陸政策的決策。 第四章:以社會建構主義的觀點,對上述歷史進行分析。

【外文摘要】Japan invaded China is one of big events in recent international history, and the transformation of Japan’s foreign policy on China during 1918 to 1932 was the core of the period of time. Regarding the domestic research documents lacking a systematic research based on international relationship theories, the author studies the topic about “The Evolution of Japan's Mainland Policy” during 1918 to 1932 with the viewpoint of social constructionism. The concrete purpose of this dissertation are two: 1. Arrangement of international ideals, events and Japan’s ideals and mainland policy during 1918 to 1932. 2. Analysis of the interaction between foreign affairs and Japan in the viewpoint of social constructionism. The structure of this dissertation is divided into four chapters: Chapter One: Arrangement the before and after of international ideal with effect of international events and Japan ideal and mainland policy during the time of Paris Peace Conference. Chapter Two: Arrangement the before and after of international ideal with effect of international events and Japan ideal and mainland policy during the time of Washington Naval Conference. Chapter Three: Arrangement the before and after of international ideal with effect of international events and Japan ideal and mainland policy during the time of Great Depression and Mukden Incident. Chapter Four: Analysis with the viewpoint of social constructionism.

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