
作者: 黄美娥 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】A Study of Japanese Loan Words-Focusing on the Social Phenomenon of Loan Word Pervasion

【作者】 黄美娥

【关键词】 外來语 外语 充斥 社会现象 明治维新 国际化 英语

【外文关键词】 loan word foreign language pervasion social phenomenon the Meiji Restoration internationalization English









【外文摘要】Languages are one of the representations of their times. There remain many things that are not elucidated and unimaginable regarding the relationship between languages and societies. The author is strongly conscious of the fact that there has been an increasing trend in recent years: that is, Japanese people frequently blend the uses of loan words and foreign languages and use foreign languages directly in their communication with others. The frequent use of loan words as well as its pros and cons are also widely discussed throughout Japan.In Taiwan, there is also an enthusiasm for everything Japanese. On the streets, advertisement signs can be seen everywhere written with Japanese words such as (cuisine) , (expert) , 気 (spirited) , べ (all you can eat) etc. In everyday life, Japanese is also directly adopted without translation as in the example of (door-to-door parcel delivery) . In common TV programs, one often sees commercials in which Japanese is directly used to a large extent. It is true that the social phenomenon of loan word pervasion is not as prominent in Taiwan as in Japan. Nevertheless, it has become essential to ponder on the impacts of foreign cultures and loan words that ensue as a result of such cultures following internationalization and globalization. The author therefore intends to investigate issues concerning the acceptance of loan words in Taiwan through the study of Japanese loan words.The work consists of four chapters. Chapter 1, as the introductory chapter, includes motivation and purpose of study, methodology and scope, previous studies, and characteristics of the work. Chapter 2 examines the definition of loan words and their historical background. Chapter 3 compares the uses of loan words and investigates why Japanese are fond of loan words. The last chapter describes the tendencies of and prospects for the future.

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