
作者: 李洋 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】A study of Itō Hirobumi and Meiji Constitution

【作者】 李洋

【关键词】 明治维新 伊藤博文 帝国宪法 立宪政体

【外文关键词】 he Meiji restoration Itō Hirobumi Meiji Constitution constitutional systerm









【外文摘要】This thesis is focusing on the famous modern politician of Japan Itō Niobium’s political activities and branching into two directions, which include one going for the developing process of constitutional system in different historic periods and the other going for an analysis on the different influences by Mr. Itō Hirobumi in different historic period of time, with the possibilities of the research developing following the two directions and going across with each other at certain points, to demonstrate every step of interactive process of constitutional and political system, for instance, gestation, design, legislation, implementation, and adjustment, during the Meiji period of time. In detail,Chapter one,an analysis of the cause of setting up constitutional and political system during the Meiji period of time, as a result, those treaties of imparity constituted pressure from outside, and domestic movement of freedom and democratic rights for civilians constituted pressure from inside, all of the pressure mentioned above impelled the bureaucrats of Meiji government especially Mr. Itō Hirobumi to make choices on legislation of constitution; Chapter two, telling a story about the process of doing research on constitution, drafting the constitution and establishing the constitutional system during Mr. Itō’s visit to Europe; Chapter three, an analysis of the congress, especially how the democratic groups and the bakuhan taisei government playing games to impel development of the political and constitutional system in earlier congress, and how Itō Niobium manipulated among all sorts of political groups to improve adjustment of constitutional and political system; Chapter Four, an analysis of how the Itō cabinet instigated foreign wars, and utilized the wars to improve development of congressional and political system and to make the modern civilian state come into being; Chapter five, an analysis of how the bakuhan taisei enlightened groups represented by Mr. Itō set up political party to impel development of political and congressional system in the new era of earlier years of 20 century. In the part of conclusion, this thesis considers Itō Hirobumi played an indispensably dominant role in development of modern Japan’s congressional and political system; foreign wars had an substantial incentive influence on congressional and political construction and the formation of civilian state; late developing countries showed unique charact...

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