清季洋务运动的改革思想 (1861-1894)与越南改革思想(1863-1895)之比较

作者: 陶维达 日期:2014.10.28 点击数:2370

【外文题名】The reform thought of Yang Wu movement in Qing dynasty (1863-1895) and the comparison with the Vietnamese reform thought (1863-1895)

【作者】 陶维达

【关键词】 洋务运动 改革思潮 奕欣 中学为体西学为用 经世致用 阮长祚 求富求强

【外文关键词】 Westernization Movement YI SIN Nguyen Truong To









【外文摘要】The purpose of this study is to analyze, compare the differences and the similarities as well as the historical significances of Vietnamese reform thought in the latter half of the 19th century. The research framework includes three parts: firstly, the study integrates into a whole and brings up a general understanding of the reform thought and the specific practice of Qing’s Yang Wu Movement. Secondly, makes a general analysis and certainty in accordance with Vietnamese reform thought. Finally, this analysis carries out the success and the failure of the differences and the similarities which are mentioned above. Hopefully, this research would provide a reference to researchers who are interested in modern reform issues and to further studies in related topic in the future.

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