
作者: 姚勇 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:0

【作者】 姚勇

【关键词】 同治中兴 洋务运动 经世致用

【外文关键词】 Tongzhi ResurgenceWesternization MovementThought on Administration and Pragmatism









【外文摘要】In Chinese history, there are two great changes in the period; one of Spring and Autumn and the Warring States, the other is a late Qing Dynasty. The great history changes often generate the new theory of the thought. The previous period, under the impetus of economic development and internal production in the Chinese society, resulting in the thought of Confucius as the representative of Confucian thought; this idea along with the history of the evolution of continuously enrich the development, but during ...

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