
作者: 董明月 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】The Influence That Westernization Movement Had on Chinese Modernization

【作者】 董明月

【关键词】 中国近代化 洋务运动 思想启蒙 军事 经济 教育

【外文关键词】 China s ModernizationMovementEnlightenmentMilitaryEconomicEducation








【摘要】夷长技以制夷”的改良运动,即“洋务运动”。他们兴办近代军事工业、民用工业;创办三支海军,建立海军衙门;建立新式学堂,培养翻译科技人才,派遣留学生。通过这些措施,中国具备了一支与传统的八旗、绿营、水师迥然不同的新式国防力量;出现了第一批资本主义性质的近代工业及与其相联系的企业家、工程技术人员、知识分子和产业工人。同时,近代化还由经济领域逐渐向科技文化和人才教育等领域渗透,人们的思想观念也发生了一些变化。 本文试图从中国近代思想启蒙、军事、经济、文化教育及科学技术等方面谈谈洋务运动在中国近代化进程中的作用。并希望通过这些探讨获得一些对当下改革的启示。

【外文摘要】China’s modern history. It opened the prelude of the modernization in China and promoted its process. The thirty years of Westernization Movement had a profound effect on every aspect of Chinese society. Though the historical significance of the Westernization Movement had not been objectively recognized during a fairly long period, the Westernization Movement was the first modernization movement in firmatively promoted the modernization in China. Now socialist reform has entered a new period. At th...

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