
作者: 单炜鸿 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】The Three Reformation in the Late Qing Dynasty and Historical Enlightenment

【作者】 单炜鸿

【关键词】 洋务运动 戊戌变法 晚清新政 历史启示

【外文关键词】 Westernization Movement in late 1960s1898 Reform of the late nineteenth centurythe late Qing Dynasty’s New DealHistorical Enlightenment









【外文摘要】In just 60 years, the government of late Qing Dynasty frequently conducted new deals and political reforms, including three national-scale ones: Westernization Movement in late 1960s, 1898 Reform of the late nineteenth century, and the late Qing Dynasty’s New Deal at the beginning of the twentieth century. Westernization Groups advocated to employ western instruments, to be rich and strong, to pursue pacification, to be independent so that we can resist foreign aggression. The ideological views proposed by ...

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