
作者: 郭新耀 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】The studying abroad movement of the end of Qing Dynasty to the beginning of Republic of China and its transformation and influence

【作者】 郭新耀

【关键词】 清末民初 留学运动 学生政策 演变 留学教育 中国 近代 资本主义国家 赴法勤工俭学运动 洋务派 留美 多元化 留学生工作 阶级和阶层 知识分子 洋务运动 鸦片战争 思想文化 深刻影响 清末新政

【外文关键词】 End of the Qing to the beginning of Republic of China Abroad study education Foreign student policy









【外文摘要】After the Opium War, the West capitalism thought and culture enter China, then Chinese advanced intellectual starts to go out to foreign country, accepts the capitalism education from Western and East's capitalist countries. The modern China's study abroad education starts to produce. The Chinese modern study abroad education begins in Rong Hong to America, his return had directly caused the large-scale abroad study education formation. Under the bureaucrat's support and his direct promotion, the study abroad education at government expenses started from 1872 , and 120 young children left the native country within four years, forded the ocean far, studies abroad to US, founded the modern abroad study education beginning. At the same time, in the westernization movement some western thought officers, such as Li Hongzhang, Shen Baozhen also send out students to European countries coming from Fuzhou ship bureau’s students and skilled person. In the process to send students study in America and Europe, Chinese government starts to form the modern China’s earliest foreign student policy. After the defeat by Japan in Jawu war, China formed the biggest scale study abroad movement to Japan. The tens of thousands of students from different social classes and the social stratum, from the disparity in age, and from the different school record scholar in 19 century's ends to the beginning of the 20th century, the study abroad in Japan had caused the significant influence to form the new policy in the end period of Qing Dynasty and to produce the Xinhai Revolution. Facing this upsurge, the Qing government had further adjusted the abroad study policy. Such policy had not only affected the studying in Japan education profoundly, but also promoted multi style education system formation in the beginning of Republic of China times. The execution of study aboard to America by refunding money of Gengzi war, and high attention by Beiyang government on study abroad education in the following years, and the movement to study and work in France had formed the mixed study abroad policies and contents in the beginning of 20th century. In brief, the different historical period has the different abroad study form, the abroad study whereabouts and the abroad study policy. It has produced the different influence. This article studied the development and changes of study abroad policy in the period from the end of Qing and the beginning of the Republic of China. It tries to provide some meanings methods and models to the present study abroad policies.

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