
作者: 刘群艺 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:50

【外文题名】Economic Equality, Social Accommodation and Modernizational Reforms in Japan, Korea and China: Meiji Restoration, Kabo Reform and Wuxu Reform

【作者】 刘群艺

【关键词】 近代化改革 经济思想 明治维新 甲午更张 戊戌变法

【外文关键词】 Modernizational reform Economic thoughts Meiji Restoration Kabo Reform Wuxu Reform








【摘要】化过程中强调的产权与自由来作为评价的标准。 中国、日本与韩国的改革背景不尽相同,虽然都是以身份等级制度为特征,但江户时代的身份制度要比朝鲜朝的更加具有刚性,从而为体制外的社会改革力量提供了一个改变的理由;朝鲜朝的身份制度较为宽松,有改变的可能性,几个君主也多次采取措施改变各阶层的身份定位,所以身份制度并没有成为改革的一个推动源泉。而且日本是武家社会,朝鲜则是文班统治。中国与上述两国的不同之处较多。等级制度比朝鲜朝的更为宽松,民族差别是统治者需要考虑的问题。 朝鲜、中国和日本也有很多相似的地方。甲午更张、戊戌变法与明治维新相比,无论是改革前的思想准备,还是改革时的思路,都有很多可以互相比照之处。荻生徂徕、丁若镛和张之洞对传统儒家理论的质疑、重新解释与调适,福泽谕吉、俞吉浚和严复对西洋思想的传播,武士、两班与维新派采取的改革措施,都在展现三个国家类似的历史发展过程。 从改革的措施来看,日本选择的是先确立中央与地方的经济附属关系,再进行全面的改革的实施顺序,改革的措施贯彻得比较彻底。但由于改革的主体是武士,维新之前的雄藩也有一定的经济和政治基础,日本的专制体制保留了下来。四民之间的平等也并没有真正实现,而且强大后的日本对邻国的朝鲜与中国开始进行经济和政治征服。日本处理对外经济关系的失败对于日后的发展也是一个很大的障碍。同样是改革,朝鲜则是匆忙上阵,在还没有理清社会内部经济结构时就开始了近代化的进程,再加上邻国的干预,以甲午更张为中心的三次近代化尝试虽然采用了类似的经济改革措施,但都没有成功。改革前后,朝鲜朝的君主与臣属的经济关系倒置,这种倒置是否应该改变还不能下定语;四民的平等关系还是有所实现,对于普通民众思想的吸收是朝鲜的特色;但对外经济关系的处理是改革的一个最大失误,事大与门户开放都没有确保朝鲜独立的国际经济地位。中国的改革虽然酝酿已久,但真正对当政者产生冲击的是甲午战争,可以说外力冲击比内部危机更容易促成改革的发生。 本文共分六章:第一章引论,提出三次改革的问题,设定进行经济改革思想比较的框架;接下来的文章主体按照三次改革的时间顺序分为三章,即第二章日本明治维新,第四章甲午更张,第五章戊戌变法。第三章作为一个插叙描述中日甲午战争对于东亚区域的影响;最后一章是结论,比较三次改革的异同,探索三次近代化改革的近现代意义。

【外文摘要】The thesis focuses on the comparative issues of modernization economic reforms in Japan, Korea and China. It is the economic magic of the above area that has attracted the attention from the world and made the three countries more attractive now than any other period in history, but the most important transitional period to market economy has been neglected or misunderstood until today. Actually, today’s rise and fall should not be explained with the time limit from the beginning of high GDP rate, but from a starting point even farther historically. Therefore Meiji Restoration, Kabo Reform and Wuxu Reform of 19th Century in three countries have been selected as the main topics of the thesis. As above, the thesis begins with the retrospect of reforms’ background, economic policies and success or failure, then analyses economic thoughts of reforms’ leading spirits, Sorai Ogru, Fukuzawa Yukichi of Japan, Chong Yak-yong, Yu Gil-jun of Korea and Zhang Zhi-dong, Yan Fu of China in a cultural interactive aspect and with accommodative selection between traditional and western thoughts, which aim to confirm relationship among autonomous conflict between central government and local power, economic equality in hierarchy and national identity among new comers of modernized world. Market economy, the economic meaning of modernization, has been embodied in a different context from its original resource. The introduction puts forward the modernization concept in Northeast Asian countries, followed by three chapters reviewing Meiji Restoration, Kabo Reform and Wuxu Reform one by one, with Chapter three of the Sino-Japanese War, 1894–1895 as an episode.

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