
作者: 许峰 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:10

【作者】 许峰

【关键词】 洋务运动 近代化理念 初中历史教学

【外文关键词】 Westernization Movement the idea of modern times in middle school history teaching.








【摘要】教学带来难度。随着我国改革开放的不断深化,洋务运动的经济近代化的主题渐渐为人们所公认,在义务教育阶段的初中教学中全面认识洋务运动“在近代化历程中的地位和作用”已成为需要和可能。 本文拟在初中历史的特定教学情境中,以新课程理念面对初中生的认知水平与特征展开。主要探讨如何以近代化视角面向初中生进行近代工业的产生、教育的发端、人物的评价和对于洋务运动的整体评价等方面内容的具体教学。在教学中力求实现理性认识100多年前的人们的奋斗经历,加深理解今日的改革开放,培养学生的现代价值观念、对于历史的判断和对于未来的远见。

【外文摘要】In modern times, the theme of Chinese history is from the people for the modernization of Chinese exploration. As the first step of Chinese exploration in modern times, the Westernization Movement contains traditional fit with the spirit of the times, with higher value in the teaching of modern Chinese history . However, centuries, because of its own at a special renewal of the historical stage, dipping of complex historical information, the Westernization Movement has been at people's attention in historians, and it mixes to bring the difficulty of the teaching of history. As the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the economic modernization subject of the Westernization Movement h as been gradually acknowledged of the evaluation. The Westernization Movement "in modern history of the status and role " has become needful and possible. In this paper, I want to study of middle school history at the specific teaching situations, the new facing of the junior high school curriculum the concept of cognitive level and characteristics of start. I want to focuse on how the modernization of the junior high school-oriented perspective to the emergence of modern industry, the originator of education, character evaluation and Westernization Movement for the overall evaluation of the specific teaching content. To achieve rational knowledge in teaching more than 100 years ago, people striving experience, deep the studengts ’ understanding of today's reform and opening up, to cultivate students’ of modern values , historical judgments and the future vision.

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