
作者: 李尹 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:10

【外文题名】Learn From Western:The Western Coast Defense in the Travel Notes During Westernization Movement

【作者】 李尹

【关键词】 晚清 出洋国人 旅西游记 海防文明 洋务运动

【外文关键词】 Late Qing Dynasty Chinese Scholars Travel to West Travel Notes Coast Defense Civilization Westernization Movement








【摘要】手认识资料,具有很高的历史价值与文化意义。 本文在对洋务运动时期出洋国人所作的游记进行系统梳理的基础上,试图重现这一时期中国人亲历西方、考察海防文明的心路历程,继而揭示其对中国近代社会变革与发展的影响。出洋国人考察西方海防文明,有个由浅及深的变迁过程,从最初对西方“坚船利炮”的走马观花,逐步发展到对西方海防文明中征练制度、人才培养乃至海军成军的注重和效仿。另外,考察的经历又使出洋中国人的海防意识、海防思想产生了不同程度的转变。而他们在西方对海防文明的考察结果,对国内以海防建设为中心的洋务运动产生了不可或缺的重要作用与影响。出洋国人(旅西游记的作者)是个较为复杂的群体,他们的政治社会地位、文化素质皆有所不同,这些不同直接导致了他们观察、判断和记述西方的角度乃至观点上存在差异。本文对这个群体也作了初步的探析。 出洋国人前赴后继考察西方海防文明的历程贯穿整个洋务运动时期。而一整代中国人费尽心血所建立起的海防系统,在甲午一战中便分崩离析。时局用残酷的事实告诉中:仅在原有的国家本体上小修小补的方式,仅仅依靠近代式的枪炮船械、仅仅依靠模仿近代化的海防,并不能实现国家的自强,并不能改变民族受欺凌的局面,只有实行社会的大变革,才能因应时代大变局。

【外文摘要】Based on the systematical collation of travel notes on western countries during Westernization Movement, this thesis tries to recur the history of Chinese investigateing western coast defense civilization, reveals its effect to the social development of modern China. There is a course from shallow to deep during the investigation, early, the focus was on guns, warships and forts, later, they found conscription system, personnel training and the establishment of modern navy were also important. Furthermore, the coast defense consciousness of Chinese had changed to some extent due to the course. Without a doubt,the result of investigation made a great effect to Westernization Movement. From 1860s,there were groups of Chinese scholars travelling to west. Whether they were compeled by western powers or voluntary, they were the earliest generation which wanted to find way to make their country prosperously. They observed the western world, and wrote various travel notes, these notes were the earliest first-hand material since China began to study western civilization, they have high-value of history and culture. These Chinese scholars(writers of travel notes)were a complex group, there were differences among their social status, cultural qualities, and something else, these difference lead to the diversity when they observe, judge and describe the west. so this thesis will make a preliminary research of them. The course of Chinese scholars observed west throughout the whole period of Westernization Movement. But the coast defense system ,which cost the efforts of the whole generation, was collapsed in Sino-Japanese War. People started to know, the situation of one nation can’t changed just by guns and warships ,can’t changed just by mimicry, or patch, but great social revolution.

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