
作者: 章扬定 日期:1988.01.01 点击数:20

【作者】 章扬定

【关键词】 康有为的明治维新观










【外文摘要】  The basic problem that must be solved in modern China was to accomplish the modernization. Therefore eallers of common concerts for the modern Chinese advanced element were how to accomplish the capitalist modernization and what model they should adopted, Japan took the modern capitalist load and became the first independent capitalist country in Asia by means of the Meiji Reform, which revealed vast vistas for the modern Chinese advanced element. It is necessary significant to search their recognition and evaluation about the Meiji Reform.This thesis rather comprehensively and derailed approaches Kang You-Wei’s views on the Meiji Reform from the angle of achieving capitalist modernization. In particular, it inquires into why Mr.Kang paid attention to the Meiji Reform, what his recognition and evaluation of the reform were, by what way he acquired the knowledge of the MeiJi Reform, what the content of his views on the Meiji Reform and its historical position were, etc. I think that the road and model of Chinese capitalist modernization which Kang You-Wei was seeking for was not early as suitable to China, therefore we must make as objective appraisal of them.The viewpoints of this article are as follows:First of all, Kang You-Wei’s the MeiJI Reform was an important complement of his thinking to learn from the West. It also was an important part of Chinese learning from the West in the modern period. While modern Chinese were following the example of the MeiJi Reform, Mr.Kang played a role of forming a connecting link between the preceding and the following. He expounded the thinking of Chinese capitalist modernization in a systematic and an all-round way for the first time.Secondly, Kang Yu-Wei’s recognition of the MeiJi Reform was quite limitative because he acquired the knowledge of the MeiJi Reform by indirect way.Thirdly, The Reform Movement of 1898 which was directed by Kang You-Wei was a social practice of his views on the MeiJi Reform in Modern China. His views on the MeiJi Reform was in the service of the Reform Movement of 1898, and they were closely .

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