
作者: 杜一宁 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:10

【外文题名】Study on Times of Tianjin

【作者】 杜一宁

【关键词】 《时报》 李提摩太 传教士 洋务运动








【摘要】全面的研究,学术刊物中关于这份报纸的记载也存在一些失误,没有给予足够的重视。 《时报》的历史背景、特色栏目、第二任主笔李提摩太给报纸带来的变化、《时报》与洋务运动的关系以及对洋务运动的影响是本文的几个主要切入点。本文力图通过这几个方面对《时报》进行尽可能全面的研究与分析,以期还原《时报》的本来面貌,并做出客观、立体的评价。

【外文摘要】 Times was a Chinese foreign newspaper which started its publication in 1886, Tianjin. It was the beginning of the morden press in Tianjin and north China. This paper has great study value in China’s press history, and played an important historical role. But so far, the study on Times has some mistake in record and not sufficient enough. On the basis of reading and researching work on the bibliofilm, this paper give Times a comparatively sufficent analysis in both history and journalism way. It correc...

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