
作者: 单玉梅 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:40


【作者】 单玉梅


【关键词】 洋务教育 明治维新 “中体西用” “和魂洋才” 洋务学堂

【外文关键词】 westernization educationMeiji Reformation"Chinese ideology and western applied science""Japanese spirit but western material"westernization schools









【摘要】一时期与中国一衣带水且有着相似命运的日本也发生了一件具有划时代意义的历史事件——明治维新。明治维新是日本从封建社会过渡到资本主义社会的大转折,是日本近代史的起点。其中,明治维新的教育改革对日本的发展起着重要的作用。明治维新时期的教育改革主要包括颁布新学制、开设新式学校和派遣留学生等。同是教育改革,却有着很大的差异。 本文就清末洋务运动中的教育改革与日本明治维新时期的教育改革进行了深入的研究和比较。首先,本文研究和比较了两者的社会背景,主要包括政治制度、经济基础和民族文化,借以探讨两者相似的的举措而不同的效果的深层原因。其次,研究和比较了两者在指导思想上的异同。再次,研究和比较了两者新式学堂教师聘用、课程设置等方面的异同。第四,研究和比较了两者在留学教育方面的异同。最后,本文还研究和比较了两者在教育改革的领导阶层的异同——科第出身的洋务大员与经受西方文明洗礼的维新领袖。 通过一番认真研究、比较和分析影响中日两国历史上相似的两次教育改革运动的诸因素,认识到了影响教育改革运动成败的因素具有多元性和复杂性,为我国目前正在进行的课程教育改革运动提供了有益的借鉴。

【外文摘要】In January of 1861, because of Yi Xin and the other officials' asking, the Qing Government sanctioned setting up Premier's affairs yamen for various countries, which marking the beginning of the Westernization Move. Qing Government centered on training talents as Westernization business calling for new-type talents, correspondly they took some important measures and made a series of reformations in culture education, such as setting up new-type schools, sending students abroad and so on.Westernization education opened the modernization course and it also played a major part in the development of Chinese education. Almost at the same time, there was a significant historical event —Meiji Reformation occurred in Japan which is the close neighbor of China. Meiji Reformation was the turning point from feudal society to capitalist society and the beginning of modem history in Japan. Among these reformations, education reform promoted the Japanese development including enacting new school system, setting up new-type schools, sending students abroad etc. Both of the two reformations were in education but they were very different.In this thesis I study and compare the education reformation of Westernization Move period in Late Qing Dynasty of China with Meiji Reformation period of Japan. Firstly I research and conlpare with the social backgrounds in both countries such as the political system, the economic base and the national culture, through doing this we can discuss the deep cause of similar measures but distinct consequences of the two. And then I study and compare the difference in guideline, engaging teacher and curriculum design and other aspects in new-type schools, study abroad education of the two countries. Finally, I study and compare the difference in the leading stratum—the Chinese high-ranking officers with imperial examinations origin and the Japanese leaders receiving the baptism of western civilizationy in.each reformation.Through examining, comparing and analysing the factors of the two times similar educational reformations between China and Japan in history, we have realized that the factors influencing the success and failure in educational reformation are in many aspects and complicated. It offers much helpful reference for this basic courses educational reformation at present in China.

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