
作者: 黄树生 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:40

【外文题名】Studies on Xue Fu-cheng

【作者】 黄树生


【关键词】 薛福成 晚清 洋务运动 思想 文学评论

【外文关键词】 Xue Fu chengLate Qing DynastyChina s Self Strengthening MovementXue s ThoughtsLiterary Criticism.









【摘要】耘,号庸盦,江苏无锡人。他是鸦片战争之后成长起来的新一代知识分子,早年怀抱“匡时济世”的雄心,以文章和见识崭露头角,为“曾门四弟子”之一;旋又应邀进入北洋戎幕,追随李鸿章办理洋务有年,以通达“时务”、力主变法称名朝野;中法战争期间出任浙江宁绍台道,因筹防抗敌政绩卓著,被擢为湖南按察使。清光绪十五年(1889年),以通晓“洋务”著名的薛福成,钦命出任英、法、意、比四国公使。他在对西欧各国的政俗民情进行悉心考察的过程中,还致力于“收利权于西国,念流寓于南洋”,为维护国家主权和海外侨胞的利益进行了不懈的努力。 难能可贵的是,薛福成不仅是一位忠于职守、兴利除弊、政声卓著的能员干吏,而且还是个敢于直面丧权辱国之痛、积极进取,以自己的智慧和心血苦苦探索民族复兴的改革思想家。他几乎全程亲历了洋务运动,在为之出...

【外文摘要】This dissertation is a study of the non-fictional prose written by Xue Fu-cheng (Hsueh Fu-ch eng), a great writer living in the late Qing Dynasty, as well as a famous capitalistic reformist thinker and an outstanding diplomat, with a focus on socio-historical interpretations. It is an attempt to trace the origins and development of Xue s literature, by analyzing the causes of success from both his prose styles and their works, with the historical setting of the late 19th century, to discuss the broader soci...

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