
作者: 姜峰 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】Northern naval officer group suicide

【作者】 姜峰

【关键词】 北洋海军 高级将领 群体式自杀 晚清

【外文关键词】 Northern Navy senior officers group suicides








【摘要】的自杀率?通过研究我们发现:北洋海军高级将领这一群体的特点与其成员自杀有着密切的关系。首先,自北洋海军成军之日起,其内部力量就一直没有得到有效的整合,特别是闽籍将领与非闽籍将领之间矛盾尖锐,各成员之间没有建立起牢固的人际关系纽带,致使群体的力量没有起到有效的遏制自杀的作用。其次,北洋海军高级将领消极的应对这场战争的心态与这些将领的自杀也有着重要的关系。此外,通过比较研究表明,北洋海军将领是一个倍受社会各界所重视的群体,而通常情况下,军队中受重视程度越高的群体其自杀率越高。另外,在这些将领自杀后,社会各个不同的群体依据自身的利益和知识学背景对自杀者本人的形象进行了不同程度的建构,并且赋予了其不同的社会意义。这种建构及其社会意义的赋予,从一个侧面为我们展现出了晚清民初转型时期社会、文化等要素的特点。 本文通过对北洋海军成军特色;北洋海军将领的心态剖析;社会不同群体对这些自杀将领形象的建构及其社会意义赋予等几个环节的探讨,切入社会学和历史学的结合部,以期能对群体式自杀研究有所推动。

【外文摘要】Northern high-ranking naval group suicide is the value of a good deal of research questions. This study for the Northern Navy"s senior generals. As we all know, these generals was the first country to accept the system of modern Western education groups, however, the groups in the Sino-Japanese battle, its majority has chosen to commit suicide to end their own extreme way of life. Senior generals of the Northern Navy why this group there is such a high suicide rate? The results indicate: the Northern high-ranking naval characteristics of this group and its members closely related to suicide. First, since the Northern Army Navy into the day, its internal strength has been not been effectively integrated, especially in Fujian in general and non-sharp contradiction between Fujian in general, members did not establish a strong relationship between the bond did not cause the power of group play an effective role in curbing suicides. Secondly, the Northern Navy senior officers to respond to this negative mentality of war and the generals of suicide also has an important relationship. Third, by comparing the results show that, typically, the higher the degree of importance attached to the army groups of the higher its suicide rate. In addition, these generals committed suicide, the social basis of the different groups in their own interests and knowledge of the Background on the image suicide, I had varying degrees of construction, and given their different social significance. Construction and the social significance of this to give, from one side to show us a good transition period Republic of China in the late Qing social and cultural characteristics of the elements. Based on the characteristics of the Northern Navy into the Army; Northern naval officer"s state of mind analysis; different social groups to construct the image of these generals and their social meanings given to these aspects of, cut into the sociology and history of the junction in order to be able to Research on group suicides has been promoted.

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