
作者: 冯勇 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】The Absence of Modern Land Force and The Failure of Anti-Aggressive War in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 冯勇

【关键词】 近代陆军 北洋海军 地缘战略 地面战场 社会动员力

【外文关键词】 modern land force pei yang navy geo strategy land battlefield social mobilization









【外文摘要】Modern land force takes on an important role in late Qing anti-aggressive war movement. Though the building of modern land force in late Qing Dynasty could not change its coming down, the absence of modern land force to a large extent leaded to the failure of anti-aggressive war movement in late Qing Dynasty.The modernization of land force is not only important to the Qing Dynasty in military point of view, but also has an far-reaching social affection. In the military point of view, we mean that the modernization of land force is the hard core of land battlefield, which is fateful for the whole anti-aggressive war. In the social point of view, the modernization of land force is progressive to the development of modern industry and capacity of social mobilization in late Qing Dynasty. And the modern navy was almost not able to afford the former responsibilities which the modern land force had taken on.The building of modern navy cannot fulfill the requirement of anti-aggressive war in late Qing Dynasty. The reason is that the final land battlefield is the decisive one for the anti-aggressive war. Besides that, the building of navy force has many inborn deficiency, which including too much high-technologies, too much cost, the limited scale. The building of modern navy can cultivate only a little worthy to defense our country, and cannot cultivate the ability of social mobilization.The military and social meaning of building of modern land force indicates that land force is a key factor for anti-aggressive war in late Qing Dynasty. The absence of modern land force to a large extent leaded to the failure of anti-aggressive war in late Qing Dynasty.

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