
作者: 易耕 日期:2012.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】The First Sino-Japanese War in the vision of “Shenbao”

【作者】 易耕

【关键词】 《申报》 甲午战争 知识分子

【外文关键词】 “Shenbao” the First Sino Japanese War highbrow








【摘要】论态度鲜明,体现了当时的舆论特点。而这些理应客观、公正的报道,也因为时代背景和《申报》的媒体属性,呈现出或多或少的情感流露,其阶级性和政治性不言而喻。通过对由事实而来的评论的分期和分析,通过对由评论而来的报道的分期和分析,本文重点梳理了舆论对新闻的决定性,并由此解析了《申报》报道甲午战争的内在理路。 通过分析这些评论,本文归纳出舆论的六个阶段,即:战争爆发时期的乐观、战争初期的主战、战争中期的反思批评、战争后期的无奈议和、和谈时期的悲愤维新、战后的失败者复杂心态。客观事实决定舆论,这是本文的纵线,六章依此分布。 更为重要的是,通过分析这些报道,本文发现它们有着明显的倾向。舆论乐观时,对清军多是正面报道,对日军多是负面报道;而反思时,对清军的负面报道才开始涌现;当提倡改革时,大量批评议论清军,对日本的报道也逐渐客观起来。舆论决定新闻的选择,这是本文的横线,每章依此展开。 通过纵横两条线,本文阐明了《申报》报道甲午战争的方法,即:事实决定舆论,舆论左右新闻。

【外文摘要】In the context of China’s modern history, “Shenbao” is famous. When an American businessman, Ernest Major, the founder of “Shenbao”, established it in 1872, he never thought that this Shanghai-based commercial newspaper would grow to be the most widely accepted and the most influential news paper in modern China. Nor that it would last for 78 years, which is longer than any other Chinese newspaper. From 1872 to 1949, “Shenbao” displayed comprehensive vision of society and covered many aspects of everyday life. Due to this, “Shenbao” became an “encyclopedia of modern Chinese society”, according to a famous historian of journalism. While Shanghai became the most prosperous metropolis of the Far East in 1930s, “Shenbao” came to her full power, fulfilling her designer’s dream to create “the most influential daily newspaper in China”. Hundreds of thousands of people were so fond of “Shenbao” that they read it, talked about it and even carefully collected it. As a result, every issue of this daily can be found today and Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House has published a complete set-of “Shenbao” paper, making them an enormous treasure-trove of ideas and historical date, in the eyes of many researchers. This thesis focuses on the history of “Shenbao”, especially the year 1894 and 1895, when the First Sino-Japanese War took place. From the year 2009 to 2011, the writer had read all copies of “Shenbao” of these two years and had selected about six thousand pieces of editorials and reports concerning the War, from thirty-six thousand pieces, before he set out to write the thesis. By analyzing them, he has been trying to answer the following three questions: What was the attitude and opinion of “Shenbao” towards the War, according to the editorials? How did “Shenbao” reflect the process and impact of the war, according to the reports? What was the relationship between editorials and reports? In his opinion, the last question is the most important one. The six chapters of this thesis share a common structure which reveals the relation between editorials and reports. THAT IS: all of the reports concerning the War were approximately based on the public opinion which can be inferred from the editorials. For instance, when the editorials showed an optimistic attitude towards the War and believed that the Chinese army would win, good news occupied the newspaper. On the contrary, in the time of pessimism, “Shenbao” was full of bad news. What is more, the writer has to mention that, in fact, good news and bad news happened naturally and did not depend on the editorials. So the thesis suggests that the First Sino-Japanese War in the vision of “Shenbao” is carefully planned. How interesting! In the beginning part of every chapter, the writer summarized the “real” history of the War according to the traditional historical materials such as government documents and personal records. He found that the editorials were mostly determined by the “real” history, in other words, the fact. To sum up, from the facts to editorials, then from editorials to reports, the First Sino-Japanese War in the vision of “Shenbao” went on according this model. This is the main structure of this thesis.

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