
作者: 毕保磊 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】Study on the Kim Ok-kyun Event

【作者】 毕保磊

【关键词】 金玉均 李鸿章 甲午战争

【外文关键词】 Kim Ok kyun Li Hong Chang Sino Japanese War of 1894 1895








【摘要】引渡和处置金玉均。1894年3月,金玉均被朝鲜政府派遣的杀手骗至中国上海,被刺身亡。金玉均事件作为甲申政变的历史结果为“金玉均案”画上一个句号。金玉均事件完全属于朝鲜的内政,金玉均事件的发生是朝鲜统治阶级内部矛盾的产物。中国清政府应朝鲜的要求,将金玉均尸体交付朝鲜。而本来与此事件毫无瓜葛的日本却为了实现其由来已久的大陆政策和征韩论的目标而大肆鼓噪和叫嚣并试图以此为借口,挑动中日之间的冲突甚至发动战争,金玉均事件为日本发动蓄谋已久的侵略战争奠定了舆论基础,金玉均事件成为甲午战争爆发的直接原因。 全文由六个章节构成的论文主体和由绪论、结语、参考文献组成的部分构成。 首先,主要分析考察作为金玉均事件的历史背景包括近代日本的大陆政策、近代朝鲜的“壬午兵变”和“甲申政变”、日本对中国发动侵略战争的战前准备以及1884-1894年以中日韩为中心的远东国际关系的变动和英俄在远东势力的消长以及对朝鲜半岛的侵略和控制。 其次,对金玉均事件进行系统考察。研究分析“金玉均案”的形成、朝鲜政府与金玉均案、清政府及李鸿章、袁世凯与金玉均案的处理。主要研究考察朝鲜对金玉均的暗杀活动,金玉均到上海的原因、在上海被刺杀的过程和金玉均被刺后的善后事宜。 再次,把日本作为第三方进行分析研究,日本本来与此事件根本上无牵涉,但在日本国内,从议会到民间团体和右翼组织,从政要到民间活动家皆异乎寻常的一片叫嚣和鼓噪之声,组织金氏友人会和玄洋社的叫嚣鼓动开战。本部分从阐述金玉均事件发生后的日本朝野的活动入手,对金玉均的日本盟友即金氏友人会、玄洋社为中心的考察和日本议员的质问和日本政府的狡辩进行史实分析。进而探讨日本叫嚣与鼓噪的思想根源之一即福泽谕吉的脱亚入欧论。 第四,本部分以作为朝鲜内政的金玉均事件为题,重点分析和阐明金玉均事件的性质即金玉均事件的发生是朝鲜统治者内部争权夺利的内部斗争和矛盾的产物,金玉均事件纯属朝鲜的内政,根本不是所谓的“外交上之重大问题”。并分析金玉均与大院君等朝鲜权贵的关系。中日两国的态度和主张对朝鲜政府处理此事件的影响和朝鲜政府最后的处理结果,并考察了金玉均事件处理的外部因素即中日两国的影响。 最后,本部分还以甲午战争前夕的暗流涌动为主题,探讨金玉均事件与甲午战争爆发、金玉均事件与东学党起义的关系,揭示金玉均事件是甲午战争爆发的直接原因,甲午战争是日本蓄谋已久而发动的侵略战争,金玉均事件为甲午战争前夕的日本奠定了舆论基础,中朝的宗藩关系也走到了尽头。

【外文摘要】The modern Korea Cultured Party leader Kim Ok-kyun, after started and participated in 1884 coup d'etat in the Korea, became a fugitive Japanese for ten years, It was famous called Kim Ok-kyun Case in history of the modern China, Japan and South Korea relations. At first The Korean Government failed in negotiated and extradited Kim Ok-kyun to Japan, so that organized and dispatched the murderer to go to Japan to assassinate Kim Ok-kyun. In order to maintain the Sino- Korean tradition Suzerain-vassal relations and protected national interest of Korea, the Chinese government of Qing dynasty as suzerain country was duty-bound to involve and the participate negotiates with Japan government for extraditting and handling Kim Ok-kyun. In March, 1894, Kim Ok-kyun was deceived by murderer who was dispatched by the Korean Government form Japan to the Shanghai, then assassinated to death. As the historical result of Kim Ok-kyun Case, Kim Ok-kyun Event ended the 1884 coup d'etat. Kim Ok-kyun Event belonged to internal affairs of Korea. And it is the production of internal contradictions of ruling class of Korea completely. The Chinese government of Qing dynasty acceptted the request of Korea and delivered Kim Ok-kyun to Korean. In order to practice its long-standing continental policy and to achieve goals of the theroy of aggression against the Korean Peninsula,Japan not only want to create a chance and to clamor ,but also attempt take Kim Ok-kyun Event as the excuse. And provoked conflict between China and Japan, even let loose the dogs of war, which was the long premeditated aggressive war ,Kim Ok-kyun Event was to lay the public opinion foundation for it.Kim Ok-kyun Event has become the immediate cause which the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 erupted. The full text is composed.of five chapter as main body and the part which included the introduction, the conclusion,and the reference. Firstly, it mainly analyzed the historical background of Kim Ok-kyun Event,which including the modern Japan's continental policy, Mutiny in 1882 and coup d'etat in 1884 in Korea, the prewar preparation of Japan starts aggressive war to China in 1884-1894,and the Far East international relations changed with Britain and Russia come to and control Korean Peninsula. Next,it discussed that the formation of Kim Ok-kyun Case, the relaion of Korean Government and Qing government espically Li Hongzhang and Yuan Shikai with Kim Ok-kyun Case. Once more , it study that the reaction of Japan after Kim Ok-kyun Event,what center on public opinionof society and clamour of House of Representatives and members of Kenyosha in Japan. At last , it diacussed that the relations of Kim Ok-kyun Event and the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 erupted.

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