
作者: 谭皓 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:10

【作者】 谭皓

【关键词】 甲午战争 晚清 国民心态 社会发展

【外文关键词】 The Sino Japanese War of 1894 1895 the late Qing Dynasty National psychology Society development









【外文摘要】That the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 failure gives China the disaster that society brings about is unparalleled, but, the Chinese nation has group significance arousal also starting from here , this is a centennial Chinese modern times important favorable turn. Draw relevance discipline knowledge such as sociology, social psychology on the basis the main body of a book research results in the prehominid’s, make use of research method such as psychology science of history and mentality science of history, pass to postwar A midday late Qing Dynasty citizen psychology analysis, make every effort to resolve several the following problems: What is national common postwar A midday late Qing Dynasty psychology? What diversity the people of all ranks psychology having? Which does the cause occupying first place over postwar late Qing Dynasty of midday citizen psychology evolution have? What the change occupying first place over postwar late Qing Dynasty of midday citizen psychology effect having to economic growth? But, at back, two problems are innovative the main body of a book point and the difficult point making every effort to need to break. Author think of passes the analysis to postwar A midday late Qing Dynasty citizen psychology , can let us know that the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 gives China the effect that society brings about deeper.Mark is that three are most specifically for above-mentioned problem, the main body of a book, Part I is the people of all ranks who carries out detailed analysis on the national psychology occupying first place over postwar late Qing Dynasty of midday, discusses postwar national common psychology mainly as well as under the war stimulation mainly because position is not the same as the what be shown out block of wood and psychology. Part II is why to may so big change happened in discussing the national psychology occupying first place over postwar late Qing Dynasty of midday mainly , this part tries to comply with the nation tradition , government’s action , the war effect compose in reply outside thought’s affecting several aspect carrying out analysis. Part III is that analyzing the change economy occupying first place over postwar national midday psychology to that time is able to what effect to have , this part is sure enter mainly from development of private capitalism.

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