
作者: 陈鹏 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:0


【作者】 陈鹏


【关键词】 甲午战争期间的《申报》舆论










【摘要】之中、之后三段。另有绪论及结语。 绪论阐明课题的研究意义与方法,回溯过往相关研究的状况及不足之处,并略述全文框架。 第一部分所引《申报》史料起自1894年1月,迄于1894年7月。首先分析在防务上重俄轻日之误;嗣后从军各、外交等诸方面叙其变革主张,并定位为洋务思潮的点滴反映;再以“战争面面观”为题,谈及此间社论在战争缘起、战和态度、胜负判断等维度上的看法。 第二部分所引《申报》史料起自1894年7月,迄于1895年3月。首先以主战概括此间《申报》的基本态度,但缕析战和间的微妙变化及原因;其次评述其在防务重心、防奸策略、饷糈源流等种种与战争直接相关方面的出谋擘画;再论其在对待列强态度上疑惧与信任的两种心态;复论其就战败原因进行的反思及变法自强思想的深化。 第三部分所引《申报》史料起自1895年3月,迄于1895年12月。依次评析此间《申报》社论在《马关条约》、三国干涉、割让台湾诸重大问题上的立场,及其变法自强思想突破之处。 结语总体肯定两年间《申报》舆论的爱国主义思想,指摘其书生论政之误,并回溯其变法思想的前行线索。

【外文摘要】The Sino-Japanese War breaking out ten decades ago marks one of the immense affairs in the modern history, whose influence touches on all the fields with great importance. This thesis has its base on the editorials between 1894-1895's Shenbao and explores the War with a close and continuing eye on the extensive background of transformation for Chinese modernization with heavy focus on its impacts on inner reactive emotion and social ideology. The timing of the War can help to divide this thesis into three parts which accord to the counterparts of the prelude, the process and the post-war respectively in addition to preface and conclusion. The preface demonstrates the research meaning and methodology, reviews the former relevant studies and their deficiency and outlines the skeleton of the thesis. Part One centres its materials in editorials from January to July 1894. Its misleading of defensive target on Russia more than Japan gains our first sight. The renovation claims in the armament and diplomacy are given full demonstration and orientated as a twilight shed on the Western Affairs ideology. The final focus named "All-aspect description" will be on the positions of the editorials in the dimensions of the fuse of the War, the debates on in or out of the War and the prospective of defeating or defeated. Part Two arranges its quotation between July 1894 and March 1895. Above all, advocating war predominated Shenbao as the mainstream attitude at that time. Then its delicate pendulum between advocating and avoiding the War and hidden causes draws our attention. What follows is its comments on defensive focus, strategy of guarding against espionage and the sources of military supplies, which relate directly to the War. A dual dilemma swaying from apprehension to confidence of Powers is consequently discussed. This part ends with a retrospection of the failure reasons and the deepening renovation thoughts. Part Three derives materials from March to December 1895. Positions on such vital issues as the Maguan Treaty, Trilateral Interference and cession of Taiwan province and breakthrough of renovation thoughts are analyzed in turn. The conclusion makes a general affirmation of the patriotism publicized by Shenbao, criticizes the bookish critics and retraces the ascending trajectory of its renovation thoughts.

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