
作者: 吴桂艳 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:0

【外文题名】Japan's Intelligence Activities in China during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895

【作者】 吴桂艳


【关键词】 甲午战争 日本 情报活动











【外文摘要】 The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 is an aggression against China Launched by Japan. The war ended by an imparity treaty that was signed by Qing dynasty forced by Japan. The reason that Japan won the war lay in many aspects, and among them was exact and minute intelligence of Japan about China. The purpose of this thesis is to reveal the effect of intelligence on the aggressive policy made by Japan against China, the process of The Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895 and the result of the war through describing the background, on which Japan sent intelligence agent to China by all kinds of items to collect intelligence, and their successful intelligence activities in China. Japan paid attention to the intelligence work. After Meiji Restoration, Japan regarded“the policy of mainland”as its basic national policy. Japan pointed the aggressive aim to China. In order to prepare for the aggressive war against China, Japanese government took the advantage of the open diplomatic opportunity to take part in intelligence activities. Besides, more important and influential intelligence activities was taken through sending large numbers of espionages to China, and furthermore, with the establishment of agencies in China. These Japanese spies who posed as diplomats, businessmen, and students, disguised themselves as native Chinese, collected information in all parts of China in order to prepare for the aggressive war against it. Moreover, there appeared in Japan a lot of organized right wing groups supported and agitated by Japan government and bourgeoisie Party in 1880s. These right wing groups supported the aggressive policy of Japanese government. They

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