
作者: 李敬 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:0

【外文题名】The Opinion of ZiLinHuBao during the Sino-Japanese War

【作者】 李敬


【关键词】 甲午战争期间 《字林沪报》 舆论

【外文关键词】 Sino Japanese war Opinion of Zin Lin Hu Bao









【摘要】主要限于《申报》,对其它报刊关注较少,尤其对当时与《申报》、《新闻报》形成三足鼎立之势的《字林沪报》至今无人问津。故本文另辟蹊径,选用《字林沪报》作为研究对象,通过梳理1894和1895近两年的评论报道,突出甲午战争期间这份报纸的倾向性舆论,并透过此力图窥探出国人一定程度上的心态变化与社会思潮转变的轨迹。 本文以战争时序,分为战前、战中和战后三个部分。另有绪论和结语。 绪论阐明课题研究意义与方法,介绍《字林沪报》概况,回顾相关研究状况及不足之处,并略述全文框架。 结语则回答绪论中提出的两个问题,并对《字林沪报》舆论中可圈可点及肤浅不足之处予以评价,另外以《申报》为例分析《字林沪报》的舆论性质及其舆论所产生的影响及意义。 具体内容如下: 第一章,战前(1894年1月至1894年7月)的《字林沪报》舆论。首先分析其“重俄轻日”的防务心理;嗣后指出其在朝鲜问题上所表现出的宗主国心态,并强调其宗主国心理在此间有所加强;随后叙其高昂的主战决心和必胜的信念;最后是战前杂论,谈及其对日本、台湾的关注及提出种种作战策略。其间,该报站在国际视野下主张中日应团结友爱,共振亚洲之兴,虽具有一定的进步性,但又未能完全跳出“天朝大国”的传统理念;对待日本侵略朝鲜,虽积极主战,但又尽显盲目骄躁的情绪;“持久战”与“声东击西”的作战策略,表现出一定的军事见识:对俄国调停,准确地指出俄国调停的真实意图;对台湾的关注,一定程度上说明其对日本侵占台湾有所警惕等,均是《字林沪报》的特色之处。 第二章,战中(1894年7月至1895年3月)的《字林沪报》舆论。首先以主战为线索概括《字林沪报》的基本态度,并力图分析战争进程中战和间的微妙变化及心理变化;其次总结其对战争失败的种种批评,并评述其在防务、防奸、

【外文摘要】Bachors have paid attention to the rare value of the newspaper these years and began to use the newspaper to research the modern history of China.The Sino-Japanese War breaking out ten decades ago marks one of the immense affairs in modern history. There are lots of literatures about the Sino-Japanese War. Bachors have got plentiful and substantial achievemen,including politic,economy, civilization, military affairs and so on .Now bachors have recheared the newspaper to find out the change of countrymen' s psychology and the change of the ethos.But they only made use of the newspaper named ShengBao and paid a little attention to other newspapers, especially the ZiLinHuBao which is as important as the ShengBao and the XinWenBao.So this thesis has its base on the editorials between 1894-1895's ZiLinHuBao and focuses on the change of countrymen' s psychology and the change of the ethos. The development of the War can help to divide this thesis into three parts including the prelude,the process and the post-war respectively in addition to the preface and the conclusion. The preface demonstrates the research meaning and methodology, reviews the former relevant studies and their deficiency and outlines the brief of the thesis. The conclusion generalizes the content and appraises the points of view, demonstrates the character of the ZiLinHuBao and its influence. Chapter One centres its materials in editorials from January 1894 to July 1894.First, analyzes its misleading of defensive target on Russia more than Japan;Then points out that the suzerain's psychology has strengthened; Gives prominence to the jingoism and the faith of triumph and other points of view. As far as, the newspaper called on Japan to help China protect Korea,which is worth praising; Although it asked to fight with Japan,it includesd the emotion of pretension;It claimed that we should fight for long time and asked the army to look one way and row another to beat the enemy,which is worth praising; It pointed Russia's actual intent about reconcilement; It attached importance toTaiWan, which shows its far-sight.

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