
作者: 姚颖冲 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】The Opinion of Sin Wan Pao during the Sino-Japanese War

【作者】 姚颖冲


【关键词】 甲午战争期间 《新闻报》舆论

【外文关键词】 Sino Japanese war Opinion of Sin Wan Pao









【摘要】 学界对甲午战争的研究已取得丰硕成果,但从新闻舆论角度剖析甲午战争的论著则为数甚少。报刊作为社会舆论的先锋和载体,一定程度上反应了民众的心理和需求,同时,报刊舆论又在不同程度上引导社会和民众的关注焦点,因此具有很大的影响力。《新闻报》作为甲午战争期间沪上重要的新闻报刊,发行量大,影响面广,保存完整,无疑具有很高的史料价值,但却尚未在历史研究中得到充分的重视和利用,至今尚无一篇系统利用《新闻报》资料研究甲午战争的专论文章发表。本文通过梳理和探究《新闻报》对甲午战争的报道与评论,力图进一步了解当时的报刊舆论、民众心理乃至社会思潮,以求进一步认识整个甲午战争的历史。 除绪论和结语外,本文主体分为三个部分,以时间为序分别对甲午战争的战前、战中与战后三个发展阶段的《新闻报》舆论进行梳理与评说。 绪论主要阐明这一选题的意义、国内外的研究现状、本文的基本框架和研究重点,并重点概述《新闻报》的基本情况。 第一章主要依据《新闻报》1894年1月至7月的时评史料,对这一阶段的《新闻报》舆论进行梳理与评说,涉及到战前的《新闻报》对方兴未艾的洋务运动的关注、关注面主要涉及现代矿冶业、现代商业、现代水陆交通和通讯业;涉及到《新闻报》十分重视国家安全,《新闻报》在强调加强国内安全、边疆防务的同时,更将笔触伸向国际格局,力图对当时影响中国的国际形势作一判断,彰显其大报风范;涉及到《新闻报》随着形势的发展,逐步将注意力转向朝鲜,《新闻报》时刻关注朝鲜局势,以中朝藩贡关系为重,揭露日本图谋,坚决要求抗击侵略,保护藩属国朝鲜。虽然《新闻报》此时一直强调抵抗日本侵略,但是这种要求对日作战的呼声是建立在片面的日本观和自我观的基础之上,时评中普遍存在一种“轻视日本”的盲目、虚骄心理。最后概括出《新闻报》在这一阶段中的倾向性态度。 第二章主要依据1894年7月至1895年3月《新闻报》的时评,对这一阶段的《新闻报》舆论进行梳理和评说,涉及到《新闻报》关于战、守、和的议论,认为《新闻报》总体说来基调是主战,在主战的基调中,亦夹杂着大量希望和谈顺利、和局能成、徐图振作的声音;涉及到《新闻报》在战争进行过程中积极献

【外文摘要】The Sino-Japanese War is the turning point in the Chinese modern history: the huge China was defeated by its small eastern neighbor Japan. This war stuck China a lot, which meant unimaginable loss of territory, huge indemnity and deep humiliation to this ancient country. This war brought China tremendous material and spiritual impact, but it also stimulated the intellectual men to search the way develop China. The school circle has already obtained much from the research of Sino-Japanese War, but seldom analysis discusses Sino-Japanese War from the aspect of journalism. As pioneer of public opinion, the newspaper reflects popular requirement and demand , as well as guides the public attention of certain affairs, which has great influence on society. As one of the most important newspapers in Sino-Japanese War, Sin Wan Pao has great value for its high circulation and wide influence. But, so far no essay based on systematically analysis on Sin Wan Pao has been published . Through collection and discussion of Sin Wan Pao, this thesis tries to analyze the public opinion, civil psychology and social thoughts in that period, aiming at having a thorough understanding of the Sino-Japan war history. In addition to preface and conclusion, this thesis is divided into three parts, discussing the public opinion before the war, in the war and after war. The preface explains why chooses this topic, the research actuality, the structure and the research emphasis of this essay—to give a brief introduction of Sin Wan Pao. Based on the reports from January to July, 1894 of Sin Wan Pao, the first chapter points out during that time , the reports of this newspaper mainly focused on the Western Affairs movement, including the modern mining & metallurgy, business, land & water transportation, and communication industry, as well as put much emphasis on national security. While announcing the importance of the national security, the Sin Wan Pao also tried to analyze the international situation to show its leading position in the public opinion. With the changing of the political environment, the Sin Wan Pao gradually paid its attention to Korea, and

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